Christmas Overload

Explore the holiday of Christmas and why Holt students enjoy it so much.

Christmas is coming up and Holt students had the opportunity to share their thoughts on what Christmas means to them and why they like the holiday so much.

Some Holt students were asked about their favorite holiday, when all of them said Christmas, it was clear there was a common favorite holiday. So, they shared their opinions on Christmas and why the holiday is so important to them.

Even though Christmas is a holiday associated with many different things, some students honed in on the specifics, Kendal Smith (‘26) talked about her favorite things about the holiday.

“Setting up the Christmas tree and all its decorations,” Smith said. Even better than the tree and its decorations, “The cookies, I really love the cookies.”

While some people chose to focus on their favorite parts of Christmas, others chose to focus on some of their favorite memories they created in the past.

“The only thing I remember is sledding down the stairs and falling off and hitting my butt,” Aiden Bouwman (‘26) said.

Bouwman also had a strong opinion about other holidays, saying he thinks Christmas is the best holiday because every other holiday is lame and most importantly, he gets presents.

Keily Nolan (‘26) dug deeper into Christmas and discussed how much it means to her saying she feels like the holiday allows her to experience the same nostalgia year after year again and it really makes her appreciate the holiday.

Along with the nostalgia, “[Christmas] allows me to feel like a child again,” Nolan said.

Although each student had something different they chose to focus on about Christmas, they all shared the part that was sentimental to them. That’s what makes the holidays so amazing, there is something special about them that is different for everyone.

Whether it be Nolan, focusing on the nostalgia of the holiday, Bouwman focusing on his favorite memories, or Smith talking about why the holiday is so important to her. Everyone has something different to say about Christmas, which is what makes it so great.