Volleyball is a competitive sport like most, but even when players lose a game they make sure to congratulate each other. Holt’s girls volleyball has formed a special bond together over the years. Determined to win with the help of their captains and their coach, through time, it seems like the team’s love for volleyball has grown more and more, along with the love for each other.
“I think it was Saturday? We went to go get lunch, that was fun. Just talking about our team goals for the season and what we can do to improve (upon),” backrow player Sydney Crockett (‘25) said. Even when the girls play, their teammates will shout words of encouragement for them to boost morale throughout games.
“I think a lot of girls look to me in times of struggle and in times when they have questions. I try to be a leader and give advice as much as I can,” girls varsity volleyball captain and setter Ava Chase (‘24) said. Chase is also an experienced player who has broken three school records for volleyball. It’s important to have captains like Ava to help the girls as they grow and learn more on the team.
Volleyball can be stressful at times. So to help the team, the captains usually start off games with a pep talk to remind everyone not to dwell on their mistakes, but to instead focus on playing.
Crockett has a helpful tip to put herself in the right mindset before going into a game. She practices something called box breathing. Where she breathes in for a certain number of seconds then breathes out for the same amount of time. Another one of Crockett’s helpful tips is to watch the house to see where she’s supposed to be on the court.
Everyone loves the competitiveness of the game. The team loves playing with their friends and being in an environment where all of them can let loose. It becomes part of their routine and the players loves to see the progress throughout the season. So volleyball not only helps your physical health, but your social and mental health too.
“We had a great group of girls last year and, a really fun group this year! I love everyone on the volleyball team and just, love playing with them.” -Ava Chase

“I try and bring energy on the team. I think it’s easy to bring your baggage to practice or games when your stressed, and I think people encourage them to let loose, and forget about it. Just to have fun and stay positive during practice, when were not doing great on a game.” -Sydney Crockett
Live, Love, Pitch
Cooperation and teamwork is key when it comes to Holt’s girls softball team. These girls truly have grit and determination, which is perfect for playing a sport as energy demanding as this one. The girls have fun when they play and support each other, coming up with unique strategies in trying to throw off the other team.
“We never have a silent dugout. We always try to keep the energy going throughout the game.” Pitcher and team captain Abby Claus (‘24) said.
It’s important in sports for the captains and coaches to pump up the team, to make them excited for the competition. Being there for the other girls improves the gameplay and strengthens the team’s relationships, creating a better love for the sport.
Claus serves as someone the girls look up to. She believes softball has better improved her leadership skills. She takes care of the younger girls when things get complicated in the game and makes sure to handle them with patience and care, which are great qualities as the captain of her team. Her gameplay strategy is to keep the players on the opposing team off balance. Throwing a curve or a change in her pitches.
The girls on the team make it clear that they are loud and proud players that will try their hardest on the field. Even made a few fun stories to share with one another about how competitive this sport can get.
“One of my teammates, Savannah, she bulldozed the third baseman when she was running,” right field player Lauryn Holmes (‘24) said. A way she shows support for her teammates is yelling words of encouragement as the game goes on and always coming prepared with a bag full of gear in the morning.
Hand eye coordination is key, when it comes to softball players. A smart gameplay strategy these girls use is communicating to each other through hand signaling across the field, another example of why teamwork is important for this competitive sport.
Softball impacts the lives of lots of girls at Holt. They are stronger together as a team, and it shows that the players work well with each other as they play. Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
“This year has definitely been more of a battle, because a lot of younger and inexperienced players have joined. So I’ve learned to work through losing, and help everyone become better.”-Abby Claus