The pounding of drums, the searing melody of synths, and lyrics that give us chills every listen. Music is one of the many ways that can positively impact our everyday lives.
From academic improvement , mental health, and social-emotional skills, music is a gateway for many high school students. It provides an engaging way to connect with our emotions even if we wanted that to be our last priority.
Music can also help influence students social groups. Many friendships start from having the same music taste and interest. Bonds can form simply over having the same favorite song or lyric.
Elizabeth Walters (‘28) a student at Holt, has a unique taste in tunes. Walters states the complexity and distinctive qualities of her favorite genre, experimental.

“There is Just so much room for creativity and being able to explore everything,” Walters says.
Music can be so influential in shaping personal identity. These tunes can go beyond mere enjoyment but can be a powerful tool for connection and emotional expression.
Lillian Leahy (‘28) a student at Holt, explains how that concept relates to her.
“Music has helped (me) through everything and anything. Definitely with stress and anxiety the most.” Leahy said.
Walters continues her explanation. Explaining the importance of music for high school students and its impact on her personally as well.
“Its one of those things where if you cant put something into words, it will be there for you and it just expresses things you cant express yourself.” Walters said.
The way students feel and express their emotions is one of the many qualities that leads to a successful, happy life. Not only for them, but that goes to adults as well. Music impacts many people across the world and becomes more influential every year.
Leahy uses music in her everyday life. The excessive use of drums in rock music (her favorite genre) personally resonates with Leahy due to her playing the drums herself.
When asked if music is as important as its deemed to be, Leahy shares,
“Yes!” Leahy said.
“If u disagree you are just wrong” Leahy said.
The argument of if music is important as its deemed is a profound argument.
“Its so important.” Walters said.
“It just gets more and more important every year and if you disagree you just haven’t found the right stuff yet.”