As seniors get ready to graduate, They prepare for their future as well as give advice to underclassmen. Seniors leave words of wisdom to their underclassmen that will help them get through their high school career. Alyssa Green (‘25) said to take your harder classes before your senior year so you have less workload and have fun. “I did all of my needed/ harder classes my freshman and sophomore year that I needed to graduate. Then I took all of my easier and more fun classes my senior year,” Green said.

According to Sandy Ballinas-Olivan (‘25) getting involved will make your experience better and to not take anything for granted. “Join clubs and sports. Enjoy high school, put drama behind you. You only get one highschool experience,” Olivia Lieurance (‘25) said that making habits now will help with your future. Setting goals is beneficial so that you can get ready for college.
“Stay on top of your classwork,” Ballinas-Olivan said. “You may think it doesn’t matter because you’re not looking at colleges but forming those habits of studying and doing homework at a young age prepare you for the times it does count.” Ballinas-Olivan says that having a support system is an important part of highschool. “I had three close friends that helped me get through high school,” Ballinas-Olivan said. “(It was helpful) having the teachers there to help me and talk if I ever needed to.”