The early morning mist hovers over the starting line as runners lace up, their breaths visible in the crisp air. The sun is just beginning to rise, casting a soft, golden glow over the dew-covered grass and winding trails. Each athlete stands poised, their muscles tense with anticipation, eyes focused on the rugged path ahead. The forest waits silently, filled with autumn leaves crunching underfoot and distant birdsong echoing in the cool air. In a flash, the starting signal breaks the calm, and the runners burst forward, feet pounding in unison as they surge into the heart of the course, driven by determination and grit.
The most determined players usually have a pre-game routine before games. This may be stretching or a pre-game snack. These routines may include a stretch or a snack. For Kevin Allen (’28), it starts with a sweet treat.” I sometimes eat a snack like (Fruit) Gushers” Allen said. “Also, Skittles get me hyper to continue in the race.” And he’s not the only one with superstitions.
Other superstitions may also include running and drinking a refreshment. For Devon Trail (‘27) it starts with a runners jog. “I like to jog as well as get some food or drink in my body to have energy for the long run.” Trail Said. “Also after races athletes need to wind down from the long run.”Not only do runners need a treat or a jog, they need to unwind with a delicious meal.

After a long run, runners need a good meal to enjoy the new accomplishment. Like Devin Trail and Kevin Allen, they both enjoy some good chicken!“A good after food routine would be Chick-fil-a,”Trail said. “But most of the time also reaches for a quicker route like Mcdonalds.” Followed up by Allen. This is track.
In cross-country, running routines and superstitions play a significant role in an athlete’s mental preparation and performance. Consistent routines, such as specific warm-up exercises, help runners feel physically and mentally prepared. Superstitions, like wearing a “lucky” item or following a set ritual, provide a sense of control in the face of unpredictable race conditions.