People lose listening to music whether it is doing work,going on a run or even sitting around outside. its an interest most people enjoy. something that brings us together and has emotion and meaning. Lisa Marren the special education teacher also enjoys music especially classics her favorite song deing “eye of the tiger” from the “Rocky” movies.
“it connected with me because i was a kid and it made me realize you always have to try your hardest” Marren said.

Lisa Marren the special education teacher posed against the lockers close to her room. Marren has worked with dozens of students over her three years of teaching at holt
“I always feel like i’m rising to the top like i’m trying the best i can, that everything is a challenge” Marren said
Music is very special it holds memories that we hold close to our heart things that impacted our lives they carry emotions and feelings they have the ability to change how we feel. Amber White the school nurse although she doesn’t listen to the radio very much she still has a song that she holds close to her “white wedding”.
“ I love the song my last name is White so when I got married ”white wedding” was like our walk in song” White said
Carly Cronister (‘26) has a favorit artist like so many people and hers happens to be “man on the moon” by Kid Cudi. she found the artist threw her bond with her brother
“It’s by my favorite artist (and) the lyrics just hit hard “ Chronister said