Spring Play Auditions

The spring play has been announced: Twelve Angry Jurors. This play is about twelve jurors deciding the fate of a teenage “murderer.” This play was originally Twelve Angry Men, but was altered so that both male and females can audition and act in the school production.
Auditions will be held on Wednesday and Thursday next week. Interested students can sign up to audition on the sign up sheet on the board downstairs next to Mr.Bagnall’s room. Actors can choose between two monologues to perform for auditions; intellectual and emotional.
Students do not need to be an actor to be involved in the spring play. can work backstage in the crew setting up with the set, lights, and sound. The crew is just as important as the actors in putting on any type of show. Any student who is interested, but may not have time to get intimately involved, can also help sell tickets or an usher.
Any questions about working as an actor, actress, or backstage may be directed to Mr.Bagnall in room B112.