Humans of Holt: Dominic Alvernia

There are around seven and a half billion people in the world and counting. Every human is different in their own way and no two people are the same. There are hundreds of students who currently attend Holt, and there are hundreds more on their way. Holt’s population is growing rapidly and it’s hard to be able to stand out from all the hundreds of other students in the school.

Every person has their own story, something that makes them who they are. Dominic Alvernia (’20) is one of the hundreds of students at Holt, but that does not make him not important. He has his own unique story to tell.

Dominic Alvernia

Family is one for the most important part in a person’s life. Alvernia is particularly close to his family and they have helped him become who he is. Family should be there for everyone to lift up, encourage and support. Alvernia’s family does just that.

I’m good with my hands. This one time I put a radio back together and rewired it. I asked my mom what type of field I can do that with and she said electrical engineer,” said Alvernia. His family members have encouraged him to pursue his dreams as an electrical engineer and he plans on taking classes here at Holt that will help him along in that career choice. 

Not only should family be there for each other, they should also be close. Taking family trips, spending quality time with each other are only a few of the thousands of ways to spend with family. “My family trips are pretty memorable. We go to Florida and we fit into a  minivan. One time we had eight people in it and the whole van was packed. We went to the ocean and went to go-cart tracks like Swing Around Run Town and The Golden Gate Bridge Track,” said Alvernia. 

Alvernia’s family will influence him even into adulthood. His family will be with him on every trip and support him to follow his dream as an electrical engineer.