Be Our Guest

Remakes always have good and bad reception, but now Disney is back at it again and are inviting everyone to Be Their Guest!
On Friday, March 17, the live action version of Beauty and the Beast is coming to theaters, and people are thrilled. This Tale as Old as Time has captured the hearts of viewers everywhere in animation form, and fans wait to see if it will live up to expectations.
As arguably one of the most beautiful Disney films, animation wise, people are overjoyed to look at trailers and clips and be awed at the beauty of it all. Plus, since it is Disney, the same people who created the beautiful ballroom from Cinderella, it is safe to say that the rest of the sets will be stunning.
Of course, there are some things that will cause a little unrest, just as literally anything in the world does. People who are very into design are upset about the style of Belle’s ball gown, while very conservative people are more worried about the effect of Lefou and his hinted sexuality in the film (for more information, see Elissa May’s article…).
However, that fear is no match for the excitement people feel for the upcoming film. People everywhere love the feel of the Disney movies; the characters, the storylines, the music, the magic… all of it makes people feel something that draws them back to their childhood. That is what people are looking forward to most with this movie, and that is what this movie is all about deep down. Finding that Something there that wasn’t there Before.