World Records

People do odd and crazy things to make themselves famous. If someone is competitive and wants to be famous, beating world records  is one place to start. There are so many different records that the Guinness World Records has to split them into five categories: individuals, small or mid-sized business, university or school, and charity, NPO or Public Sector.

2016’s edition of the Guinness World Records was released in 2017 and had documented over 4,000 records in less than 300 pages. The 2017 edition will not be released until January first of 2018.

Here are some of the weirdest records ever made:

  • Milan Roskopf of Slovakia broke his own record by juggling three motor saws 62 times. His previous records was 35.
  • The longest pitchfork is measured to be eight feet four inches wide, 61 feet two inch long.
  • The longest eyebrow hair was measured at seven and a half inches long, belonging to Zheng Shusen.
  • The heaviest onion ever recorded is a stunning 17 pounds.
  • The tallest Mohawk belongs to Japanese fashion designer, Kazuhiro Watanabe, is recorded at three feet and eight and a half inches tall.
  • On National Pet Day, Toby the whippet broke the dog balloon bursting records by popping 100 balloons in 36.53 seconds.
  • The farthest distance to blow a pea is 7.51 meters and was accomplished by Andre Ortolf.