German Day Field Trip

On Thursday, April 6, members from Frau Elder’s various levels of German classes went to Washington University St. Louis for their annual German Day field trip. Frau had student teams competing in the Advanced Spelling Bee, German Trivia and the scavenger hunt.
The Spelling Bee team previously placed 2nd in the Beginner Spelling Bee the year before, and this year they lost in their first match against Edwardsville. Participants are expected to spell German words using the German pronunciation of the letters, while only communicating with those in charge in German.
The trivia team had a lot of competition in answering factual and cultural questions pertaining to Germany. It was a one round competition, and mainly for enjoyment.
The Scavenger Hunt team was given directions in German, and spent most of the day exploring campus and solving the clues.
After completion of their events, students had numerous opportunities to indulge themselves in German Culture. There is a poster exhibit showing off all sorts of posters portraying anything and everything German. There are skits performed by German students from High Schools all over. It was truly a day full of German enrichment and beneficial for all attending students.