#Tribe Up
Holt students show off their school spirit by participating in the black out theme against their rival school, Timberland High School.
School spirit and getting involved is such a large part of high school. It determines how much pride and respect students have for their school. Being a part of school events and cheering on your team helps students encourage their team to win, and it also helps encourage the other students to join in.
Holt High School’s Spirit has dramatically changed for the better this year. Over the past few years, the student section at sporting events has been very small, unenergetic and overall unspirited. The students at Holt, among with a few teachers, primarily Mr. Ernst and Ms. Politte, have made it very clear that they wanted to see a change. Thinking very hard about what they could do, the teachers, decided to get as many students as they could, involved in a new club, called Pep Club.
With this club, students of all different grades would come together and support all different types of sports at their events. Not only did this get the kids in the club involved, but it got everybody in the school involved. It gave them their chance to be loud and proud at sporting events, make up new chants to cheer on our school, and all come together as one. Since these students made it a point to support their fellow classmates at their games, there has been a very large increase of students at games, not only football, but softball, soccer, volleyball, and other sports.
“Seeing the other students supporting our school and having fun while doing it has really helped me want to get involved as well. I am trying to make the most of my senior year and go to as many events as I can make it to,” said Halie Leontsinis (‘18).
Students of Holt High School, including those not in Pep Club have been seeing a dramatic increase in the crowd turnout at school events and it motivates other students to get involved as well.
“The theme I would like to see is dad theme, because I’m a great dad,” says Chad Sonnhalter (‘19). Other students suggested we see new themes such as hippie, toga, medieval, halloween, etc. We are only a little over one month into the school year and most students, from all grade levels have attended more that at least four to five school events. Participating in all the different themes is another really exciting part for all of the students.
¨One theme I would like to see at one of the games is Indian theme,¨ said Anthony Jones (‘18). We’ve also had some of the seniors say some of their favorite themes they have seen throughout their high school years so far are the black-out and white-out themes. There are many other themes that are wanted to be seen by other students as well, and they would love to see some different ideas expressed at future school events.