The ‘R’ Word: It’s Time to Speak Out
Another Accusation Brings More Conversation

On Monday, December 4, 2017 singer Timothy Heller released her story of being sexually assaulted by her best friend using Twitter as her platform. Her caption on the accusation implied she was not originally planning on naming her abuser. However, she decided to fully speak out about her experience and revealed the name of the person who sexually abused her was Melanie Martinez, a popular alternative singer.
Heller’s Twitter accusation has since gone completely viral, receiving an onslaught of support as well as a parade of hate. Many accused Heller of making the whole story up and some even praised Martinez directly to Heller.
Hours after Heller released her story, Martinez tweeted a response of her own. She urged that she had been close friends with Heller, their friendship was during a hard time for both of them and that the acts were consensual. Directly, Martinez said, “she never said no.”
Heller and Martinez’ narrative is just one of many that have recently come to light in Hollywood. Most notably, director Harvey Weinstein has been accused of multiple counts of sexual assault by other professionals. Kevin Spacey was accused of sexually assaulting a fourteen year old boy, and used his confession as a coming-out message as well. Actor George Takei was also recently accused of sexual assault.
Recently the writer of popular teen show One Tree Hill, Mark Schwahn, has been accused by multiple members of the show’s starring cast. Hilarie Burton, who played Peyton Sawyer, recently left a detailed account of her assault by Schwahn. 17 other women wrote an open letter to the showrunner accusing him of assaulting them as well. 25 women who Schwahn worked with on The Royals also claimed he engaged in multiple counts of unwanted sexual harassment with them.
Just one day ago, Danny Masterson was accused of four counts of rape. He is most notably known as Hyde from That 70s Show and his new role in Netflix’s The Ranch. Netflix has since fired the actor amid the allegations.
The hashtag “#MeToo” has made a powerful impact across social media. Survivors and victims of sexual assault have been releasing their stories, tagged with the message. A pouring of different stories, ranging from aggravated rape to cat calling, have been shared by brave volunteers.
Accused of brutally raping an unnamed college student, California college student Brock Turner was found guilty. He was given six months in jail, only to serve three, and he was required to register as a sex offender. Just in the past few days, Turner has gathered his legal team to appeal his conviction of being registered as a sexual offender. Turner claims he wants to challenge his punishment. After giving a harrowing Victim Impact Statement, the unnamed survivor is now being asked to recount her experiences all over again.
As of recently, a lot of conversation has started about rape and other forms of sexual assault. In the year of 2017 this topic has trended across different platforms multiple times.
Victims will come forward when they feel strong enough; and abusers will come to deal with the consequences of their actions.
Message to the Reader:
If someone feels comfortable enough to come to you with stories of their own sexual assault; listen with care. Urge them to get the help of professionals. It is extremely difficult for victims of this kind of act to come out with their stories, but when it’s possible, you could be either an open door or a brick wall.