Final Study Tips


As this time of the year rolls around, final grade calculator and numerous study guides on every student’s desk. Finals are 15 percent of our grade and we all try to figure out what we need to get on it to either keep or raise our grade. The stress of finals can kill the holiday spirit and can seem impossible to get a good grade on. This year, don’t let finals control you. Put all that time worrying about them into studying instead. Here are tips and tricks to ease the stress, even if only a little.

-One: If you don’t know already, use to see what grade you will need on the final to get a certain overall grade.

-Two: Take breaks when studying, do not just try to learn it all in three hours or you will burn out. Allow yourself ten minute breaks every thirty minutes.

-Three: Reward yourself after a few hours of studying. Allow yourself only one episode of that show and then get back to it.

-Four: If reading is part of your studying, make bullet points of you just read to truly understand it.

-Five: When you are studying something, don’t just read it, ask yourself questions. Quiz yourself after reading.

-Six: Get a full night’s rest. As much as it is said, it is important. You feel much more prepared to take it.

-Seven: Use quizlet, read it yourself but also have quizlet read it to you. Both ways will help you memorize it.

-Eight: Write things down. When you write things down, most people are more likely to memorize it.

-Nine: Remember that you are still a good person if you don’t do the best on your finals. Grades are important, but don’t let define your whole worth. Remember not to be too hard on yourself. Take care of yourself, make a hot bath, enjoy some good food, and study in between that. Talk to your teachers if you are worried about something, they want you to do well. There is always next semester to get better grades, just work and study to the best of your abilities now