White Christmas

“I’m dreaming of a White Christmas” (Bing Crosby) is what we have all been saying this season. A while ago, St. Louis was in the zone for getting snowfall this Christmas. As of now, that has not been declared official for this year.
For it to be a white Christmas, there will need to be at least an inch of snow on the ground on the morning of December 25.
According to accuweather.com, several storms will impact central and eastern United States. It is estimated that it will snow Wednesday night through Friday. They [accuweather.com] also predict that St. Louis should get about a foot of snow.
The last time St. Louis has had a white Christmas was seven years ago in 2010. Back in 2010 we had about 22.5 inches of snow.
If there is a white Christmas this year, a few things you can do while you are snowed in is clean, watch a movie, and play in the snow.
During the year, student’s rooms get messy and students do not have time to clean it. So while St. Louis has the possibility of being snowed in, it is the perfect time to clean.
Catching up on shows and movies is difficult, especially with schoolwork. While you are snowed in, you can take this time to get a cup of hot cocoa and watch a movie.
Finally, while you are snowed in, you can play outside in the snow. Make a snowman, make snow angels. Just make sure you are bundled up.
So make sure you “have a holly jolly christmas” (Burl Ives) this year and keep an eye out for snow.