Dear Freshmen
Words of Advice

Dear Freshmen (sophomores and juniors),
As the final month of my senior year approaches rapidly, I am left to reflect on my journey as a high school here at Holt. Now, if you are reading this and act anything like me when I was a freshman, then I bet you believe you have this whole “high school” thing figured out. However, I am a month away from graduating, and I’m here to tell you I still haven’t figured it out.
There are times when you feel on top of the world, and times when you feel six feet under. Let me share one piece of advice that I learned the extremely hard way; high school doesn’t last forever. The significance of the drama and relationship hardships now seems so much bigger than it actually is. It is cliche and has been said a thousand times before, but it is the truth.
Do not let anyone tell you how to feel. Right now, we’re trying our best to figure everything out and in the midst of it all we sometimes forget to keep track of ourselves. You are not too young to feel sadness, loss, happiness, love, or anything else; but we are too young to keep ourselves from feeling it. You may feel things so deeply right now. In time, though, you will learn how to separate yourself.
Some of the hardest decisions are forced upon us in high school; college, relationships, friends, and career. I’m going to debunk that myth. You do not need everything to be figured out right now. I’m about to leave for college, and I still have no set career life picked out. Do something you are going to love doing. Ladies (or boys): the boy (or girl) you think broke you has no significance on your worth, your future, or your life.
Enjoy your time at Holt. Do activities, go to school dances, make friends. Talk to people, get involved. It’s okay if you aren’t as well. Just enjoy yourself.