Making it Through the Last Week

While all of our senior friends have left us to see what is on the other side, the rest of us younger students still have to endure another week. While it may seem like it is time to let your brain shut down, it is actually the exact opposite. We are looking down the last stretch of track towards the finish line, and as Zig Ziglar once said “Where you start, is not nearly as important as where you finish.” So in the spirit of finishing, here are some tips to get through the year.

  1. Procrastination is a scourge on productivity and effectiveness, avoid it at all costs. Procrastinators usually do not underestimate the amount of time a task will take, but actually overestimate their ability to get it done. So this finals week recognize your capabilities. Sure you are definitely able to pass the AP Calc final, but are you able to pass it by studying for half-an-hour the night before? Probably not.
  2. Now that you are up and getting to work, it is important to do that in as good a way as possible. A part of this is being organized. Put your study material in an order of what class comes first, what class you struggle with the most, basically however you want to do it that helps you effectively learn. Now that you have done this, you can do a couple of things to actually review the material, depending on what benefits you most. For some, simply reading through notes once again in order to reabsorb that old information may be enough, but other people may need to rewrite key information on another piece of paper or utilize highlighters to know what to study. It all depends on what helps you remember best.
  3.  This will be the easiest, cheesiest step. STAY POSITIVE! If you fill your brain with stress, then there is no room for information or material to apply it to the test. Every person is capable of passing their finals fine, as long as they put into the work before that. If you did put in the work, take a breath, and walk into finals week with confidence. ‘Cause you gon’ do good.