Intense School Spirit at Homecoming Pep Rally

Holt High School dancers perform at pep rally
Thursday was Holt High School’s annual homecoming pep rally, and the students cannot stop talking about it. From the cheerleaders’ performance to the dance team’s debut, every part of it was thrilling and extravagant. The students at Holt High have always had a strong sense of school spirit, and holding a pep rally is just another way for them to express it. Even with their intense show of it at games and other events, it is nice to have a specific time set aside to honor that vigor and excitement in itself. Though the acts were spectacularly entertaining, there were other reasons why the pep rally was so enjoyable for the students.
Many students were excited to experience the pep rally, especially the freshmen, who would be seeing a Holt High School pep rally for the first time. They may have experienced several other rallies at their previous schools, however this one will be their first Holt High pep rally. “I’m excited, I’ve never been to one at Holt before,” Ja-khiela Croft (‘22) mentioned. Others who had been to one before were also pretty excited, and really enjoyed it. ¨My favorite part is missing class and hanging out with my friends¨Annaliese Brooke (21) said.
The rally was enjoyable for all kinds of students, because it incorporated aspects that everyone could appreciate. Some saw it as a chance to root for the people they knew participating in the rally. “My favorite part was getting to support all of my friends,” Isabella Shelton (‘21) shared. Even if a few students did not take this as an opportunity to socialize, they were still able to have fun supporting and rooting for their friends.
Aside from hanging out with friends, there was also the whole entertainment aspect. Did students actually enjoy the performances? “Yes, because it was fun to do,” Emily Williams (‘21) explained, referring to the spirit chant. Most people agreed with her.
“It was hot outside, but it was fun,” cheerleader Alayna Relling (‘21) stated.
Another student had similar views. “It was fun and spectacular” Marissa Kylie (‘20) agreed.
However, a few others disagreed, explaining that they, in fact, did not enjoy the rally. “I didn’t enjoy the rally because I wanted to go home,” Alyssa Lingle (‘21) countered. In fact, a handful of students agreed, claiming that pep rallies were not really something they are very interested in. Apart from a select few, a lot of the students had fun at the pep rally.
Not only was the pep rally fun in itself, it also caused excitement amongst the students for the future events, such as the homecoming parade and the homecoming dance. It was a great way to bring all of the students together for a entertaining show of intense school spirit. With intense dance routines, an amazing choir singing our national anthem, and exciting announcements of future events, there were several interesting aspects that made the experience fun for everyone. The rally showed how much school spirit the students have, and how proud they are to be Holt High School Indians.