Mr. Holt High School (HHS) is a senior boy who will represent our school as a respectful, responsible and reputable role model for not only the younger classmen but as well as inflict a mark on adults who come to our school. A total of twelve male participants will compete for this role on December 5, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium, they will be graded on three different categories.
The first category the judges will grade the participants on will be, “First Impressions.” The topic includes the contestants’ attitude, smile and style. Great ways for participants to excel on this topic would be brushing their teeth to help shine that smile, practicing good posture and manners, and to dress in a way that will help explain their personality as well as giving a presentable look.
The second topic the contestants’ will be judged on is talent. Everyone has a special talent they possess, it is up to them to find their best talent to present in front of an audience to not only wow them, but the judges as well. The part of the show will include the originality, how well they present their skill, and the overall creativity of your talent.
The third and final topic that participants must present will be Formal Wear. Judges will be looking for how well they dress along with how detailed their answers are to the specific questions they will be asked. Not only will you need to dress formal, but having “class” will surely get them some points on the board.
Mr. HHS should only be a male senior who will not only reflect a remarkable influence on Holt, but will also promote the idea of setting a good example to the younger students.