When You Can’t Wait For Christmas

My cat, Rudy, enjoys waiting for Christmas.

Opening up presents and being together as a family for Christmas is fun, but what is there to do on the days leading up to Christmas? The days leading up to Christmas can feel slow and boring, and getting impatient can be frustrating. Christmas comes and goes, and it feels like forever until Christmas comes, but when it is here it feels like it only lasts a couple hours. That is why there needs to be some fun before Christmas too.

The first thing to do to start off Christmas is to get some Christmas music going. Christmas music can put anyone in the holiday spirit. While listening to Christmas music there is a lot of hot chocolate and candy canes that will not go away by themselves. Another fun thing to do before Christmas is to decorate a bedroom into a Christmas theme. Get some fairy lights and hang them on the bedroom walls. There’s even white bedding that can make any bed look like a wintery wonderland. Decorating for Christmas can make the days go by fast!

There are so many dogs, cats and other animals that don’t have a home for Christmas. The holidays can be sad for these cute pets. Adopting a puppy or a kitten would make Christmas so much happier for everyone.  “I think helping animals out for Christmas can make animals feel loved. It would also make you feel like a better person in general,” said Alexandrea Shatley (20’). If adopting a pet is not an option, there are so many volunteer opportunities at animal shelters to help these furry friends out. Even donating toys to them for Christmas would make the pets happy.

Finding gifts for friends and family could be a lot of fun! Start making a Christmas list for them. Even seeing what kind of wrapping paper they might like could be enjoyable. Shopping for friends and family can make the days go by fast. Having fun and staying busy before Christmas will make Christmas feel like it is coming faster. So decorating a bedroom, listening to Christmas music, volunteering for animals and Christmas shopping for friends can make Christmas feel not so far away.