Valentine’s Day: Adorable or Deplorable?
Alexis Stratman (’22) holds all of the gifts she recieved for Valentine’s Day.
The entire point of Valentine’s Day is to have a day to give and receive appreciation from loved ones. Although the holiday seems to have become more commercialized over the years, there are plenty of people who still enjoy celebrating it. On the other hand, there are several people who have sworn off celebrating Valentine’s Day, or simply do not enjoy its concept. With so many varying opinions on the holiday, it has become a staple for both spreading real love and spreading awareness of commercial “love”.
A large portion of the student body (38.8%) said that they actually really did like celebrating Valentine’s Day. However, there were even more people (44.9%) who were undecided, or explained that specific things would sway their opinion. The part of the student body that said they didn’t like Valentine’s Day was definitely smaller. Even so, they tended to have very strong and vocal reasons for why they had an aversion to the holiday.
“I don’t see the point of it necessarily. People could give things to their significant others at any time, I don’t think we need a specific day for it,” Kaylen Myers (‘23) said.
“I don’t believe in love, and Valentine’s Day is all about the lovey dovey cr*p. So that’s fun,” Ashtyn Heuer (‘22) explained.
“It’s a holiday that exists purely for profit,” Jackson Pecaut (‘21) said
Even with these strong opinions on the holiday and what it stands for, a majority of students still see it as a day of good feelings and shared love. There are many things that this time of the year brings, and most students are looking forward to the positive ones.
“I like spending time showing my boyfriend, friends, and family how much I love them!” Alyssa Mills (‘20) said.
“Free chocolate. All holidays are fun,” Jacob Nelson (‘22) said.
Then there are those who do not have any strong opinions. Although they have no set, particular feelings towards the holiday, they still have positive things to say, whether it be in the form of memories or simple appreciation.
“I have never been in a relationship, so sometimes I´ll hang out with friends. But other than that there’s no reason for me to celebrate it,” Taylor Strode (‘23) said.
“My favorite part was back in elementary school when we all got candy. I don’t have a significant other, but I like an excuse to celebrate something,” Nicholas Swaringam (‘21) explained.
This year, students were not able to spend Valentine’s Day with all of their classmates, due to school being out for teacher conferencing. The news of school being cancelled brought an assortment of reactions from the student body. Many people were grateful for the P.D. day, whether that be because they liked or disliked the holiday.
“It’s good that we don’t have school on Valentine’s Day so I don’t have to see all the couples kissing in the hallway,” Kennedie Rutledge (‘20) said.
“I think it’s nice, everyone can have a day off and make plans with their partner or friends,” Lily Swafford (‘21) said.
There were also people, regardless if they did or did not like the holiday, who were upset with the day off.
“I hate it because I was supposed to get a bunch of chocolate from my friends,” Shannon Chenault (‘23) said.
Out of all of the holidays, Valentine’s Day is definitely one of the ones that brings the most mixed feelings. It is very interesting that the holiday that is made for spreading love and happiness has the most controversy and commercialism.