Should Large Gatherings Be Held During Quarantine?
As people are getting cabin fever, the desire to break quarantine and gather in large groups will only prolong the impacts of the deadly virus.
I think that no large gatherings should be held at all during quarantine and that law enforcement should shut them down even if they are gathering. We all should be staying inside, wearing masks, and be taking everything seriously. If we don’t, we may be hurting ourselves and especially others.
Law enforcement has been seen wearing masks while protesters have been outside, without masks, and with large amounts of other people in San Diego. People are throwing protests because they want the state to open up during quarantine. We are all supposed to be inside not because the government told you to do so but to slow the spread of this deadly virus in which the human race has little to no knowledge about. It makes no sense to put yourself and others at risk by holding that kind of gathering.
Law enforcement should become more strict with enforcing people to staying inside. It is to protect everyone from a deadly virus not to stop the American’s constitutional right to peaceful protest. This has nothing to do with political workings but for the safety of all. People going against that should be shut down and reprimanded properly. Just because some people are sick and tired of staying inside all day like we all are doesn’t give them the right to come out and risk spreading the virus even more.
Holding these gatherings can increase the time that we spend inside during quarantine. Quarantine is designed to keep people inside and away from a virus to only leave if it is completely necessary.
Law enforcement should be included as well because we are talking about the safety of the world, specifically America. Standing by and watching people break the law isn’t helping anyone. It just causes people to become even angrier and leads to more protesting as well which will lead to bigger gatherings. This could cause the virus to spread even more than before. We need to be thinking about the future and not of our current boredom.