Readers of the Tribe

Readers of The Tribe and our online news- 

This isn’t going to be your typical article, but with it being the last time I will ever write an article for this wonderful publications team I figured I would do something different and special. 

I have now been a part of this team for four lovely years of my life. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has taught me more than I could ever have anticipated. I’ve learned how to communicate with people I wouldn’t normally talk to and how to observe every little aspect of an event. 

Most importantly, this publications crew has taught me how to be a part of something bigger than myself. We often get caught up in the excitement of our own lives, but we don’t take time to take a step back and just observe and listen to other’s stories. I’ve learned just how special every single person at Holt is and how they all have their own stories to tell. I wish I would have had the time to tell all of your stories. 

I want to thank all of you for allowing me to share your stories. I am so thankful and blessed to help you all share your shining moments and to make your successes just that much more special. 

If you’re reading this and you are still in high school, please try to take a publications class. You will learn so much and be able to talk to people that you would’ve never talked to. This class is such a welcoming and loving class and there is always a place for you. Plus, Ms. Swanson is a fabulous teacher and will always be there for you. 

Thank you for the past four years and thank you to the readers. This magazine means so much to me, and always will.