Cancellation: Correct is too Correct
In today’s world no action has been left unchecked morally.
Cancel culture is a predominant part of today’s modern lifestyle. For example, digging up some misguided tweets, an action that someone took that was not so good, and ultimately that person is deemed no longer relevant and are “cancelled”.
There are many examples, such as the Washington Redskins team being renamed due to its controversy or the Aunt Jemima incident. Nothing is safe from cancellation even if it pushes the slightest bound that is deemed not appropriate by today’s standards.
Being politically correct was a term coined in the late 70’s and has reemerged in the subculture of America. Many of us today have been either subjugated to it or have taken part of it. Now, there are some plus sides to it. There are some concerns about it and how we can fix it without going too far.
Violent twitter mobs and angry outraged teens have been the forefront of this new lifestyle in American culture. Cancellation follows a familiar pattern: something or someone famous does something offensive by today’s standards and the internet takes hold of it. Then users on social media outlets gather in strength to end that person’s career or that thing’s popularity.
The side for cancel culture says it’s to help maintain a good accepting culture for all people regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. all in the name of common decency. Opponents of it say it is a violation of personal freedoms of free speech and the fear of not being able to say anything out of fear of being cancelled.
There are some problems with cancel culture. Even for some minor thing, if a person is cancelled, their life is pretty much challenging for while or even forever. In some cases, they lose a majority of their friends and respect from their peers. And the constant fear of being cancelled can put a major mental blockage on the mind.
To avoid being cancelled, no one will be able to freely express their opinion making the free inclusiveness of canceled cultures outcome virtually redundant. On the other hand, some things may need to be canceled. While it can do more harm than good, it does allow the country to solve some deep seeded problems. After all, no one is perfect.
So, how can this problem be solved. A common trend of cancelling is that if someone does not agree with what is thought to be morally right, they want to cancel it. However, it might be right to someone else. A way people can change and evolve in character is to keep an open mind and understand that not everyone has to agree with each other.
While some things do deserve to be cancelled, it should only be focused on big important problems. The more one focuses on tiny miniature things that they don’t like it becomes degrading to its whole purpose.
It is important as humans that, yes, we should be able to change what is wrong in the world one step at a time. However, it’s also important to understand some things deserve more attention than others.