Summer Awaits
Although today marks the first day of summer for seniors, summer is right around the corner for everyone else.
The luminant sky shines pleasantly into the future, while many look out across the blaring sun excited for no more school. Although it is also the time of the year to say goodbye to the seniors, summer is still looked upon.
COVID-19 has been around for two summers, in 2020, some did decide to risk going on vacation even with COVID around. While quarantines were starting to be issued at this time, those who were on vacation had to stay inside for two weeks.
“We are going on vacation, it’s an (almost) annual trip to Florida,” Vanessa Jennerjohn (‘24) said. “We went last year, even while COVID struck harder than ever before, but we managed to keep ourselves and others safe.”
Upon many trying to keep themselves safe, some managed to get the virus, even with taking precautions.
When a virus negatively impacts the world, vaccines will immediately be researched and experimented on. According to Northwell Health, they stated that scientists began working on the vaccine in January 2020, and vaccine funds helped advance it into three clinical trials within six months, instead of the typical two years.
“Nope, I think out of courtesy for others and also to keep safe from other germs,” Mikaela Hammond (‘21) said. “Even with the vaccine I think it’s too early to think that we are fully in the clear.”
There have been reports that those who are fully vaccinated, still managed to get the virus.
Upon a vaccine being released, those vaccinated no longer need to wear a mask in certain areas. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they stated that fully vaccinated people are still required by federal, state, local, territorial laws/rules, and regulations by local business/workplace guidelines to wear a mask in those areas.
“I probably will wear a mask wherever I go even though I am vaccinated,” Aurora Funston (‘22) said. “If there are times I feel like I need to take it off for some time, then I think it’s good to have that rule.”
In public places, it is still encouraged for those who are vaccinated to wear a mask as there could be people around them who are not vaccinated.
More people are starting to get vaccinated due to wanting to not spread COVID-19 anymore, as well as go back to our everyday lives. Vaccines have originally been issued to elderly and service jobs have recently dropped from age 15, to age 12.
“I don’t think it will be completely gone, but I do think that it will be slowed down enough to where we don’t have to be as cautious about it,” Holly Schwaab (‘21) said. “Now that vaccines are available, I think by the end of the year, we can go back to normal.”
As of now it is May, and many have gotten fully vaccinated with their second dose, some still require the second shot.
There have been debates that many are saying COVID-19 will never be gone, but will come back yearly just like the flu. It was stated that the COVID could come back at any time as it does not depend on the temperature or season.
Originally when COVID was first introduced the world went into a panic mode, if you recall the time when toilet paper was getting out of stock and being sold for hundreds online.
As COVID-19 has ruined both 2020 and 2021 for most, many try to stay positive and look into a future without COVID. As summer is the time that school is no longer in session and many can enjoy themselves.