Music Involved
The band plays for the judges to try earn the score of a exemplary rating.
Picking up the cold instrument in the silent filled room with those around who enjoy the same hobby. Taking a seat while fixing the music stand, sound is played out of the instrument reaching to the audience.
On March 16 and 17, the state band festival was held at the school featuring concert, symphonic and ensemble bands from around Missouri. The bands performed exquisitely to the audience to other band members.
“It was interesting to see the different levels each band performs at and what different styles of music could be played by others,” Isabella Winingear (‘25) said.
The experience the members had was unique as each band had different concepts toward the music they chose.
The last state band festival took place prior to COVID-19 in 2019, earning both concert and symphonic band a one rating, or exemplary rating. Even though this year the concert band scored a two (outstanding rating) and the symphonic band scored an exemplary rating, they both continue to increase the difficulty in the music they choose.
“I had a lot of fun. It was nerve-wracking to perform in front of judges again, but it was also really exciting,” Caleb Gee (‘22) said. “I was very proud of the performance, and I think my peers should be very proud as well.”
Although getting a two rating can mentally set back a musician, the concert band was extremely close at getting a one rating.
The bands were scored by four judges. Included in the judging was sight reading, sight reading is where the band has a six minute time limit to view a random piece of music under their class and then attempt to play it their best after the time is up.
Music titles performed by the concert band were “Aces of the Air March” and “St. Lawrence Chronicles”. The symphonic band performed “Olympia Hippodrome” and “Prelude and Rondo”.
“I loved all of the songs that were performed,” Annabelle Krnotch (‘24) said. “Every band had completely different pieces and every school played in a unique way.”
After receiving the music in January, both bands have played for Pageant of the Bands as well as the state festival. To ensure the bands could perform at their best, the school even arranged for a 1000 dollar loan to cover expenses for new instruments and sheet music.