Back to School Blues or Bliss?


Hunter Richardson (’19) does not exactly have the most positive outlook on the new school year. Hunter says that school is fun, but tiring.

Holt High School is back in session, and many have mixed feelings about it. Some are very happy to be back to see friends and teachers that they did not get to see this summer; many, however, did not miss the hard work and the late nights of studying.

Lexi Garrett (‘18) seems to have a pretty positive outlook with the new school year. Lexi states that she is excited to see her friends and meet some new people, as well as run cross country and track after school. She has strong feelings regarding math when asked what her least favorite part of school was. “Math. I hate math. I REALLY hate math,” said Lexi Garret (’18)

With all the positives that there are to school starting, it is hoped that they would outweigh the negatives like math.

“I was really glad to see my friends again. I’m stuck babysitting during the summer and everyone always seems to be busy,” said Mackenzie Rutherford (’20).

“I was just super excited to start high school,” said Chloe Barnes (’20).

All in all, Holt High School is a pretty great place, and a great year can be expected!