Hats Off at Holt – Should You Graduate Early?

As Holt is approaching the end of 2022 and, with it, the first semester. The time for students who are interested in graduating early to graduate is now. While it is too late to graduate early if you are interested, you can see what students who are about to graduate think about the opportunities and what they are going to do.

“Originally it was because I thought I could start at an esthetician school right away but I have to be 18 to start so I’m graduating early at this point to save up money for tech school,” said Alyssa Eichleburger (‘23). “I don’t (need) any more credits, so I (would rather be) working and saving up money.”

“I took all of the classes I was interested in, so there isn’t much left for me here,” said Finn Meyer (‘23). “(The reason for graduating early) wasn’t anything specific. I decided in middle school I would go out early and just stuck with it ever since.”

But something that students should consider is what they are planning to do. This can especially depend on if students are 18 or not and what they are allowed to do legally.

“(I’m going to) work until it’s time to move out for university,” said Meyer.

“I’m gonna become an esthetician which involves skin care and microblading, some things like that,” said Eichelburger.

It should also be considered that students will not be graduating with their graduating class, meaning any friends they made over the year they may not be graduating with. But, for many students who choose to graduate early, that does not affect them as much as the opportunities they will be able to get.

“It’s scary because everyone else gets a few more months to be a child and I have to go adult a little bit earlier than everyone else,” said Eichleburger. “But, I’m excited to come back and see everybody at graduation and walk.”

“I don’t feel any certain way about graduating early,” said Meyer. “All of my feelings on graduating in winter are the same as those graduating in summer.”

If you are interested in graduating early, you should talk to your counselor to find out what requirements you have to meet. Hats off to Holt’s early graduates and good luck in the world!

Photo Credit: Pixaby