The Words That Need To Be Said

The world for a teenager can be rough and being overwhelmed in school work and other activities can make a kid feel down when they have no time. Many children also have a problem with bullying and harsh things left unheard each year from children everywhere.  Many of these factors can lead a child to a depressive state from which it may be hard to recover.

Recovery for some of these kids may not come for months or even years.  Sadly, for many throughout the world, suicide is a very real problem.  Whether or not it’s a child or an adult, this is a very real problem and most people don’t realize it at all.  They say this is something you will not understand until you go through it and for many accounts that have been encountered, this fact is true.

Some of these children will not seek help when depression becomes a problem, and that’s the real problem. Many kids have come and gone through the walls of Holt and it breaks the heart of many to hear that someone’s High school career was not the best years of their life and not something they enjoyed.  Whether or not these students are in trouble, it is up to the other students to make their life a little more happy.  Respect and love is what makes the world go around and there isn’t a person on Earth that doesn’t deserve it.