21st Century Dating

As we enter high school, we enter the world of dating. We are no longer considered too young to be dating. Some adults encourage us to have fun and go on dates, saying it is the time for us to discover our “type”.

However, our version of dating is increasingly different than those of the adults in our lives. For instance, in a time before people did not have their phones surgically attached to their hand at all times, if they wanted to ask a person on a date they would either call them on their landline, or they would actually ask them in person. Surprising, I know.

Now, if we want to go on a date with someone, we send them a Snapchat, most likely with the dog filter.

These dates aren’t what the adults would consider dates either. They did not watch “Netflix” like we do.

If you think about it, what is so appealing about crowding around a tiny laptop screen to watch a movie or tv show in silence? How are you supposed to get to know a person that way?

What happened to the cute dates that they have in the movies, where they played mini golf or went on picnics? What happened to going to dinner with someone and actually talking to them face to face?

Now, the only face to face contact we have is through Snapchat. Instead of going out on a date with a person on a Friday night, we would much rather Snapchat our crush for hours straight. Keeping your streak alive is more important than actually getting to know them.

When someone says they are “talking”, reality is that there really isn’t much talking going on. All that is happening is a Snapchat conversation with no actual conversation at all. It is just a very mundane exchange of selfies with filters, and nothing else.

When we do decide to venture into the unknown territory of actual human interaction, it does not run as smoothly as it used to.

It is surprising to see just how often someone’s date will text them telling them they are here to pick them up instead of walking up to the door. It is sad to see that the tradition of the boy opening the door for the girl has been lost.

The flirting game has changed a lot since then too. Instead of complimenting someone to their face, we comment on their Instagram photo. Instead of telling someone you think they are cute, we direct message them our opinions of them because of a TBH (to be honest) post.

It is sad to see that our generation has come to a point where we are trying to build relationships through our phones instead of out in the real world surrounded by living, breathing people. Maybe every once in awhile we should put down our phones and join the world of the living.