Battle of the Bands

Attention students!

Holt High School will be hosting The Battle of the Bands  on Friday, May 5th 2017.  It will be held in the C.H. Jones Auditorium, starting at 7:00 pm and organized by members of a Publications Committee comprised of students from the publications classes.

Anyone can participate, but one person from the group MUST be a Holt student of any grade. Awards for the best band (high school/amateur student bands only) will be chosen by the judges. Judges for this event will include local, professional musicians.

A headlining band, to be announced soon, will perform at the end, while deliberation of the winners will be determined.

The cost to come watch will be $4.00 for students and $6.00 for adults. Children under five are free.

Anyone interested in participating, can check out google classroom using this code, qh7im7h.