Ways to Fight Cabin Fever

Ways to Fight Cabin Fever

This is the time of year where weather gets colder, nights get longer, and many of us get cabin fever. Cabin fever is irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during the winter. Here are some ideas to combat your cabin fever.

  1. Get sunshine: The lack of exposure to sunlight causes a chemical imbalance in our brains, causing cabin fever and depression. You do not have to go outside to get the sunshine. You can simply open your curtains up and let the natural light fill your house.
  2. Make your house more cheery: decorate your house with bright colored things like throw pillows, paintings, or blankets. You can even buy a diffuser to make your house smell good.
  3. Grow indoor plants: Plants get rid of stale air, make good decorations, and caring for them gives you an activity while you’re stuck indoors.
  4. Entertain: Invite friends over. You can have a movie party, bake cookies, or have a game night. This way you do not have to go out in the cold and you will not feel lonely.
  5. Stop eating junk food that makes you feel bad. Instead eat foods that are high in amino acids and tryptophan, which our bodies convert to serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that contributes to feelings of well-being and happiness. Some examples of feel good foods are chicken, eggs, and beans. 

These tips will help you get through the harsh winter and into spring.