Drunk Driving Presentation


Logan Fisher

EMT tries to resuscitate Lydia Stewart (’19) .

Logan Fisher: Firefighters cut Lydia Stewart out of a car(’17). 

Friday, before prom, the fire department, police department and Holt Stella Productions combined forces to create an informative presentation that demonstrated the dangers of drunk driving.

At the beginning of the presentation there was a performance of students at a party after Prom, during the party two students played by Simon Osler (‘18) and Lydia Stewart (‘18) left the party and drove drunk. They wrecked the car then the firefighters and police came to the scene and showed what they would do in a situation like that.

Simon Osler (‘18’) said “I thought it went really well I was proud of all the actors, it impacted the students by showing them that people they may know could be injured by drunk driving.”

When the performance was over the Drug Recognition Expert of Police and the Battalion Chief  talked about the consequences of drinking and driving. They talked about the worst drunk driving accidents they have witnessed, which moved many students to tears.

The performance got a good reaction from the students. Logan Fisher (‘18) said “ I liked it better than Breakdown STL, because it seemed more real it was people you knew.”

Thank you to the Fire department, police and Stella Productions on this eye opening experience.