Finals Stress


Keishawn Forrest (’18) has had enough of block scheduling.

With the EOC’s and the finals starting at the end of the year, life can be very stressful. It is important to study and to keep up with school work, but you also need to relax. Being stressed out while doing your finals can affect you in many ways; it can increase blood pressure, make you more irritable, make you more tired, and even affect the way you test. To help relax  you during your testing you can:

1.Take a little five minute break between studying. You do not want to overwhelm yourself while trying to cram all the information.

2.Have some dark chocolate. It is scientifically proven that dark chocolate can help reduce stress.

3.Go for a walk. Exercising can help squash your jitters.

4. Try coloring. You might think that coloring is for little kid but it can be quite therapeutic. You can get adult coloring books at just about any store.

5.Listen to music. Research has proven that by listening to calming tunes it can lower your heart rate, blood pressure, and control your anxiety.

6.Try a mint. Mints help stimulate the brain. You should even try one during testing!

7. Chewing gum. Research has showed that when you study the night before and chew one flavor of gum and then you chew that same flavor the next day during your test will help you remember more information.

Just try out a few of these tips and you will be calmer than ever.