As I ask parents what their school life was like before GSA and what their LGBT students lives were like, one parent said that they do not remeber many LGBT students. They said it seemed very negative back then to be part of the LGBT communtity. The other parent said most LGBT students stayed closeted, and those who weren’t closeted chose to do things such as hang out with the opposite gender and address themselves by their birth pronouns.

As a member of the LGBT Community, it is important to get as much support as I possibly can. But why do others and I need this support? Studies show that GSA helps students relieve depression and become more successful.

I believe the reason why depression is decreasing and succession is rising is because GSA lets the students come together to talk about our lives in a safe environment. GSA also offers support for students in need of it. Success, as in grades and as in personal life, is on the rise for LGBT students at Holt because of the support the LGBT community gets here. “It gives them a chance to be themselves without judgement. School is a hostile place for the LGBTQ enviroment and GSA allows the students who are apart of that society to be themselves and talk about their problems in family, friends, and normal environment.” Aiden Cullen-Hunter (‘18)

So what is GSA you may ask? The letters stand for Gender and Sexualities Alliance. Some others may know it as Gay Straight Alliance.

According to HuffingtonPost, 1.95 of the population LGBT suicide rates are in Missouri; while 25% of the rates are in the Midwest.

GSA is a great club for LGBT member students and allies alike to join.