How to: Effective Time Management


Time is precious. Try your hardest to use it effectively!

By nature, humans as a species are terrible procrastinations. For some odd reason, it is the things that one needs to do that one doesn’t want to do. Very seldom does the stars align where one is interested in what they are tasked to do. There are many ways and means where one could effectively manage one’s time.

The first method one could adopt in hopes to aid time management, would be a list. To have a list is to help one effectively remember what one has to do. With a list, one could use technology in order to set reminders, or alarms to let one know that it is time to do said task.

The second method would be to start early. If one gets a good head start on a project, and/or assignment, one can effectively schedule out what one should complete on scheduled days. A example of this is one is to complete phase one by Monday, and phase two by Wednesday, and finally, phase three on Friday, in time to turn it in on Saturday. With this method, one will not be overwhelmed as much by the stresses of time constraints.

The third method would be to find a drive. If one can find the drive, or motivation to do something, then one will be completing deadlines easier than many.

So, If one is procrastinating, they could follow such methods in order to effectively manage their time.