Laziness Does Not Exist


The definition of laziness is the unwillingness to be able to work or use energy. For those who work all day five to nine, are they considered lazy? When they get home and want to sit down for an hour or so? What about those with mental illnesses? When they need to take a break for a moment to collect themselves, is that lazy? If laziness does exist then what actually does define it?

For those who work all day, it can be truly exhausting. Depending on the job one has, it can be very stressful. Stress can add to the need to not wanting to work. Working can having many effects on people. For example, when you have a bad day at work it can affect your mood for the rest of the day. So, is it truly lazy after a hard day of work for someone to relax?

When people have mental illnesses such as depression, people often call it lazy because some do not have the mental capacity to cater to their basic needs. With mental illnesses, a lot of them go hand in hand. So when someone is starting to panic, feel down, or spiral, they need to collect themselves. Sometimes it can take a long time as well. When one takes this time to collect themselves, people may think it’s an excuse to be lazy.

Laziness is not doing something even though one has the ability to, it is not equivalent to one having the inability to do something.