Avengers Assemble Review- SPOILERS AHEAD!
With the popular movie being released, theaters start to become packed.
“Whatever it takes, Avengers assemble.” Endgame has had the most anticipation of any
movie that has hit the theaters so far. The movie was released on Wednesday April 24 and broke
a record of $1.2 billion openings. The movies ranges at three hours and two minutes.
Upon the release of a highly anticipated movie, some have the opportunity to see it out of
the gate and could possibly later spoil it or let others enjoy it. “I was really surprised when Cap
picked up Thor’s hammer. Also, I was spoiled of Tony’s passing but it still was a bit surprising.”
said Emma Golz (‘22). With spoiling being prominent, you can not possibly escape from all the
With movies being released left and right, what will happen to students learning abilities
at school? Kennedie Rutledge says it is because people do not get enough sleep. “I think late
showtimes affect students learning because they get home extremely late and don’t get enough
sleep, but also, because it’s the last Avengers movie, people’s emotions will be all out of wack.”
said Rutledge (’20). If you are going to movies rarely this should be acceptable.
Marvel has been a big hit ever since their first comic. Although Endgame is not their last
Marvel movie, it is their last in the series. With more movies to come, Marvel has been the
biggest movie franchise.
With students going to the theaters, 60 students said they already saw the movie,
while 17 did not. Sophomore Amelia Truong bought tickets when they were available. “I bought
tickets right when they were available, and I didn’t buy tickets till the day before.” said Truong
(‘21). When it comes to Marvel, the tickets sell out rapidly.
If you have not seen a movie and you want a description without spoilers, Truong says
that it is the movie tumblr would have wanted. ”I think it’s the movie that tumblr wanted because
there was a lot of individual scenes.” said Truong (‘21). This is a beautiful description that does
not contain a single spoiler.
An overall review of the movie is needed, sophomore Alexis Mette says that there was
some confusing plot holes. “It was really good, and while there were a couple confusing/plot
hole parts, I think it was a really good way to end the series as a whole and I’m glad that less
people died than I thought there would.” said Mette (‘21). The movie had some overall amazing
Even though this is the last movie for the Infinity series, there will be so much more to
come and more spoilers. Do not get your hopes up because this is not the Endgame, this is just
the beginning.