Is High School Changing?

Despite COVID-19, students are continuing to learn and get an education right from their homes.

Despite COVID-19, students are continuing to learn and get an education right from their homes.

This new situation that students have to face during the quarantine brings new challenges when it comes to school. Some say that they believe that the new school situation is better for them; some say it is worse. However, whether you like it or not, it is possible that some of the things that schools are doing right now are here to stay.

So, what is here to stay? Many think that online school will continue to be an option for kids who cannot (or do not want to) go to school physically. It is true that this is already an option for some schools, but it is possible this choice will be made more readily available to more students. 

Another sudden change could be school hours. While studying online, most students do not get up as early as they used to, and they still get their work done. Many school districts have seen this and decided to cut the five day work week down to four days temporarily. It may not be here to stay, but who knows? 

Not only is the four day week a little easier on students, but being able to attend classes all throughout the day is beneficial to their health. Without getting up and starting class at 7:20 a.m., students can sleep in and get healthy amounts of sleep each night. A change in sleep schedule might even turn out to be better for students. This seems to work for colleges across the country, so why would it not work for high school students?

This new situation has brought about some huge changes for everybody, and this most definitely includes students. Schooling has changed so much over such a short period of time, and it is not really doing any harm, so why not keep it the way it is?