The Bagstreet Boy

Last year was the last year the beloved Mr. Gleason taught drama classes here at Holt High School. Even though Mr. Gleason had officially retired, students can still spot him in the hallways every once in awhile. To replace Mr. Gleason is the new drama teacher, Mr. Bagnall. “I’m excited to do this and [Gleason] has left me a lot of stuff like students and materials to work with,” said Bagnall.

Before coming here to Holt, Mr.Bagnal was an English teacher at Gateway STEM in the Saint Louis Public School Program. He loved the kids he was teaching and the programs, but “it wasn’t teaching drama and that is where my heart is,” said Bagnall.

As the new drama teacher, Mr. Bagnall has a lot of new responsibilities like being in charge of the fall musical and spring play. “I’m looking forward to directing Godspell. I’ve done it before and I hope to improve the things I did before,” said Bagnall. In news about the spring play, Mr. Bagnall has narrowed down his options of the play, but  “I need to see what the students can do and what our stages can accommodate. I like how I’m not married to a script. I’m married to the students so I’ll pick [a play] that will benefit the students,” said Bagnall.

There is a whole school year ready for Mr. Bagnall and his class to impact the Theater Arts at Holt. Mr. Bagnall is ready for what lies in store and is excited to meet new students and experience the new program. The advice Mr. Gleason gives to his students and to any other new teacher is that “you have no idea what a great opportunity you have here to do something remarkable. Don’t take it for granted because there is a lot out there waiting to go wrong.”