Many students have different ideas on what 2021 will look like.
2021: The Prognosticate
2020 has been a rough year so far. Many students have different expectations for what 2021 will look like. 2020 had multiple tragic events in the year, and it will be the year nobody will forget. From a pandemic to canceled events, hopefully this will all be fixed in 2021.
For every year there will be changes, for 2021 hopefully the changes will be better than 2020. To describe 2020, one might describe it as an abnormal year. The year has had numerous twists and turns that nobody expected to happen.
“Hopefully things will start to go back to normal, and we will be able to enjoy life more than being stuck home and doing virtual school,” Emily Beard (‘24) said.
In the eyes of someone, they might say that 2020 is an unusual year for them, hopefully everything will go back to normal in 2021.
When heading in 2021, everything might stay the same for a short period of time. The changes that will happen later could make 2021 a better year or make 2021 into a substandard year.
“Pretty much the same as now for a while,” Isabella Weiler (‘22) said. “The date changing won’t fix anything, our country needs a serious attitude adjustment before the problems will be truly fixed.”
Our country has some words for changes for better development, hopefully for 2021, these changes will be for the better.
As of now, more than one hundred countries have issued face masks requirements. While there are some countries that recommend or do not have it required to wear face masks. There has already been an announcement for a vaccine for covid-19.
“I think that people will still be wearing masks for a while, and some people will continue wearing them even after a widespread vaccine, due to the long-term fear that the virus has caused some people,” Kassidy Henry (‘23) said.
The virus has affected many people, with the news of a vaccine coming out, 2021 should surely be a better year.
There was recent news of a vaccine for covid-19, with there being over 75 million confirmed cases, many would want the vaccine immediately. However, not everyone would be getting the vaccine first, resulting in covid-19 still being around.
“The vaccine isn’t going to eradicate the coronavirus within a month,” Katelyn Downey (‘24) said. “Hopefully by December of 2021 we won’t need masks, but you never know.”
By December next year, the covid-19 cases would surely go down or potentially not exist anymore due to the vaccine.
As 2020 is coming to an end, there has been an abundance of negative issues within the year. Currently 2020 has been an exceedingly difficult year for everyone. Some might say that there were few or no positive matters in 2020.
“I think there are lots of positives, even if it doesn’t seem like it,” Karson Miller (‘21) said. “We got to spend lots of time with family, we learned how to adapt to tough situations, many of us found new hobbies or interests. 2020 was tough for everyone, but I think in the end we as a society have learned a lot about ourselves and each other through it.”
2020 might have looked like a dreadful year to many, yet lots of people have been able to find different hobbies or activities.
For all of the years that could be considered unfortunate, 2020 sticks out to everyone as of now. There have been lots of things we have learned from the year so far and has shown us what a horrifying year can do to everyone.
There could be times where we are at our highest peak of getting everything we want, while when 2020 hit us, it all changed.
When covid-19 was starting to have a surge of cases, everyone started to panic. It was on everyone’s minds for 2021 to have the vaccine for covid-19 and be a less dreadful year. Many now hope that 2021 will be an exceeding year.
“I hope that people stay strong,” Vanessa Jennerjohn (‘24) said. “I know a lot of us are struggling but I really hope none of us sink too low to recover. I’m doing my best to be a shoulder to lean on for anyone who needs it but I don’t know if it’s enough and I know not everyone has a person to talk to. I hope that everyone perseveres through all of what’s to come.”
2020 could be counted as the year that a lot of people have been looking down upon, due to the many negatives that have happened.
2020 was a very rough time, many would say it is the year that should not exist, but glad that the year was shown. The year has shown many that they need hope and motivation. For the upcoming year, hopefully 2021 is the improved year that gets better changes.
“Hope. A truly honest answer is hope,” Travis Wimberley (‘22) said. “2020 has kicked me to my worst days and I still am upset to grant it that, but it would be incorrect for me to say otherwise. I’ve been losing motivation and hope throughout this entire year and I need something that gets me moving gets me working because honestly I’ve been stagnant or reversing.”
For 2021, people do need to hope because 2021 could potentially also be an abnormal year.
When the new year starts, hopefully 2021 will be a better year than what 2020 was. The changes that happen in 2021 should hopefully be better for us as a country.