Holt’s First LitFest

Reflecting on their recent success, Captain’s Courageous plays a set for the students.

LitFest was a fun and entertaining way to spend your hour. Wonderful authors came to Holt and shared their books and poetry with students.

“It was really great to hear all of the books and stories that the guests brought. I learned a lot,” said Gavin Miller (‘17).

Not only did we have authors come to discuss their books they worked so hard on, we even had some students read poetry and even sang. Who knew that Holt High School has so many talented students!

Some students were so excited about the guests that they bought books from them.

“I would recommend this book to people who want to read about school life and want to laugh,” said Prather Ford (‘19) who purchased Brian Katcher’s book called Playing with Matches.

“It was inspiring that people wanted to share their work in their freetime.“ said Alexis Garrett (‘18)

“I loved hearing Mrs. Swanson’s poem called Through the Eyes of a Child. It was an absolutely beautiful poem that moved everyone listening,” said Haley Venable (‘17).

LitFest should be held yearly so students can continue to be inspired by people that work hard and create beautiful art.